Thursday, October 9, 2014

Summary of "The Demographics of Social Media Users--2012"

The article reveals the results of a national survey for the Pew Research Center’s Internet and American Life Project on the demographic use of social media which was conducted between November 14 and December 9, 2013 (Duggan and Brenner, 2013). Researchers polled 1,802 individuals who use the Internet about their social networking usage by both landlines and cell phones. The social media sites which were examined included: Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr. The report also includes the usage of Facebook; however, it was surveyed in a separate study in December of 2012. The results of both surveys indicated that the use of social media is more likely to transpire in the cohort of young adults ages 18-29. In addition, the results discovered that adults under 50, women, Latinos, African-Americans, and urban residents had specific social media sites in which they were particularly interested in utilizing. Overall 67 percent of the surveyed Internet users were interested in using any one of the social networking sites listed.

Out of the 67 percent of Internet users who use social media, the survey discovered that 62 percent were men and 71 percent were women. Other findings included that individuals with a household income less than $30,000 a year had the highest use of social media. Also, individuals with some college experience ranked highest in social media use followed by the cohort of high school graduates and less than high school graduates, and the least amount of use came from people with college plus experience. And finally, the highest use was in urban areas versus suburban and rural.

Twitter, where each post is limited to 140 characters, is a popular social networking site that has doubled its membership since November 2010. Sixteen percent of all Internet users participate in the Twitterspere. Of those Internet users, 17 percent were men and 15 percent were women. The Black, Non-Hispanic ethnicity group ranked the highest use with 26 percent while the Hispanic group followed with 19 percent, and the White, Non-Hispanic group was last with 14 percent. However, opposite the highest cohort in the overall use of social networking sites, individuals with a household income of $75,000 or more were the highest users of Twitter.

Pinterest, which is a place to visually share images through the use of online pinning boards, has captured 15 percent of the Internet users that were surveyed.  Twenty-five percent of all women Internet users indicated they use Pinterest verses just 5 percent of men.  Individuals, who are the most interested in Pinterest, range from 18 to 49 years old thus giving this social media site the largest span in ages.  The highly educated and those with a high income are more likely to use Pinterest. And different from the category of all users who utilize social media, more individuals in rural areas have joined Pinterest.  

Thirteen percent of the Internet users surveyed utilize Instagram. Instagram is a social networking site that allows users to post photos and share them with others. Women are more likely to use Instagram than men, and whites are less likely to use it than the Black, Non-Hispanic and Hispanic ethnicity groups. And consistent with all Internet users surveyed, individuals living in urban areas and earning less than $30,000 a year are most likely to use Instagram.

Tumblr, which is not as prevalent as other social networking sites, only has 6 percent of the Internet users utilizing its services to blog. The significant difference about Tumblr is that the largest percent of bloggers fall into the youngest cohort group. All other demographics align with all Internet users and their social networking habits.

Facebook, the most popular of the social networking sites, had the largest participation of all Internet users. Facebook allows for users to create a profile, share pictures and videos, add comments, and connect with friends and family members. Young adults ages 18-29 are the most likely to use Facebook, but individuals between the ages of 30 and 49 have a high participation rate of 73 percent. Women are more inclined to use Facebook than men, and wealthier people are more likely to use Facebook than people in lower categories of household income.

In order to identify Internet users, the Princeton Survey Research Associates International surveyed 2,261 adults and found that 81 percent of them use the Internet occasionally. This was a drastic change from the December 2002 information which identified that only 57 percent of adults use the Internet occasionally and that 43 percent did not use the Internet. The survey included weighting balances to ensure accuracy such as matching the parameters of the national population in the categories of sex, age, education, race, Hispanic origin, region, population density, and telephone usage.

In conclusion, 67 percent of all Internet users are likely to use a social networking site. The use of social media is more probable in the cohort of young adults ages 18-29. In addition, wealthier individuals were more likely to use Twitter as well as African Americans and urban residents. Women are more likely to use Pinterest than men along with people living in rural areas. Instagram is more likely to be utilized by ethnic groups such as African Americans and Latinos. Tumblr is not as popular a social networking site; however, young adults are the largest cohort to use the blog. Facebook is the most popular social media and women, young adults, and wealthier people tend to use the site more than others surveyed.

Personally, I use Twitter more than any other social networking site. The microblogging application is a great resource for following other professionals in your field or collaborating with them by joining in a scheduled chat.  I can understand why it is popular with wealthier professionals, so I am surprised that older adults had such a low participation rate in the survey. It was expected that Facebook would be the most popular. Our district has a Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter account in which our parents and students can follow, and our district Facebook constantly receives comments and questions from our community while Twitter and Instagram receive fewer visits on our monthly analytics reports. However, our teachers are constantly and consistently using our school Twitter hashtags which are embedded on our school websites to share events and student activities. In addition, at work, I once asked all of my coworkers to create a pin board using Pinterest for our department with ideas for a project. The men in the group replied, “Pinterest is not manly and is too girly for them to use.” I found their response amusing; however, they still had to find a way to submit ideas for the project! And contrary to belief, one of the men found some very masculine items to pin. So, perhaps that is one reason why Pinterest is more appealing to women than men. And I can definitely agree that the overall use of social media is more popular with young adults. Our students are always trying to find ways to circumvent our school filtering system in order to gain access to their social media accounts.  

Duggan, M., & Brenner, J. (2013). The demographics of social media users, 2012 (Vol. 14). Washington, DC: Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project.